Arts Project Australia

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A sense of calm and belonging

Arts Project Australia

LocationEastern Kulin Country, Melbourne, Australia
ClientArts Project Australia
PhotosChristine Francis


Arts Project Australia — a proud, strong and unapologetic social entreprise — is central to contemporary arts practice in Melbourne through providing art studios and services for artists with intellectual disabilities. This upgrade to its headquarters celebrates APA’s contribution to the arts through providing a warm hug to the artists upon entry.
Crossing over the threshold from the street, a sense of calm is instilled with a white and green palette. This tranquil feeling is extended through circular forms that spot behaviour by indicating pathways and seating places. Guidance is also provided through safety elements, such as the handrails, which are revered in bold green.
Not every thing is deterministic in this space. Flexible furniture allows for different occupations (for classes, workshops, social gatherings, and events) while programmable LED lighting irradiates different moods, including if you are feeling blue, or pink. An art-box lintel above the front door also allows for a changing display for over 150 emerging, mid-career and established artists that work in the studios.
A sense of belonging is integral to being part of civic life, and art has an important part to play in this process. The upgrade to APA in Northcote puts art, and artists, up front, and in doing so, contributes to the civic life of these artists and the high street of Northcote.

Not every thing is deterministic in this space. Flexible furniture allows for different occupations -for classes, workshops, social gatherings, and events...

While programmable LED lighting irradiates different moods, including if you are feeling blue, or pink